Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Mother's Heart

"Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life". Proverbs 4:23  It has been said that we LIVE from our heart.  In other words, actions follow what is in the heart of a person.  I like to think that all mother's heart are tender toward their child, loving and patient, attentive, and wise. This is hopefully the kind we desire to be or become!  But the truth is, not all mothers are this way.  Some do not enjoy being a mother at all.  Their lives are filled with the cares of the world and the activities at hand,  they are just too busy to see or understand the difference.  The scripture above wisely imparts to us that we must "watch over our heart".  I see this as a sort of protection or covering.   How do we do this?  For some, there is the wonderful example of a Godly mother who mentored you just by their life lived for others, it may be another older woman who nurtured or presently nurtures your heart, a woman who cared enough to see what was actually in your heart and helped you see the joy of filling up your heart with the truths and promises of the Scriptures.  You see, just like a beautiful home, our hearts must be filled too with beautiful "treasures" that overflow with qualities that make us become a good mother.  "I will bless The Lord who has given me counsel; my heart instructs me in the night seasons.  I have set The Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.  Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will rest in hope."  Psalm 16:7~9 A wise mother gains wisdom when she learns to think God's thoughts after Him.  Learning wisdom is gaining a perspective that results from adopting God's values and rejecting the values of the world.  Every generation has its vices and must deal with the culture.  Mothers have a powerful influence in the world!  Our hearts are the starting point where God can do some of His most powerful renovations!  As your day begins, remember that man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart!  May I encourage you as a Mom to prayerfully begin your day asking for help from Heaven!  HE always stands ready to do great things in your life and to do it joyfully!

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