Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Beautiful Starfish......

This beautiful STARFISH washed upon the seashore and the timing of it was brilliant.....A perfect backdrop for the photographer. It was not me, so I give the credit to some unknown person who beautifully captured a Sea Creature in all his glory.....perfectly placed on the sand. Just this summer, my husband and I were walking along the beach in Hilton Head, South Carolina and a young boy walked up to me and offered me a starfish! Little did he know my fascination with them but the starfish was alive and I did not think it was my place to take him from his natural habitat. Timing is everything....God has a due season for all of our lives and the seeds that we plant along the way. God has a timetable for every seed we plant. His timetable is not always our timetable. Sometimes the "due season" means a quick return. Sometimes it means a process or a slow return that may take years--even a lifetime. But we can count on three things. First, God will cause a harvest to come from our seeds. Second, God is never early or late-He is always right on time with our best interests at heart. Third, our harvest will have the same nature as our seeds sown: good seeds bring good harvests, bad seeds bring a not so good harvest. During this growing season of waiting for seeds to be grown into their fullness, be encouraged that God has a timetable, determine to keep faith alive and active through prayer and reading of God's words from the Bible, give and keep on giving, love and keep on loving. Know this--His harvest is guaranteed. Continue your life always in an attitude of expectancy. Enjoy the journey! "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:9-10