Friday, September 3, 2010

Life With Benefits.......

Imagination can bring a smile to the face.  Hopefully, we all have a few moments each day to imagine something outside the box of an ordinary routine day.  We can learn to appreciate these ideas by putting them on paper, if we are writers. However an artist or a photographer is especially blessed because their imagination can come to life on canvas!

Each person who is born has a specific purpose designed by a loving God, just for them!  When my children were little and sometimes things were not going as I had hoped and planned, I would quote the verse in my heart, found in the Bible in Psalm 138:8, "The Lord will fulfill, his purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever~do not abandon the works of Your hands."  I would substitute the "for me", with the child's name giving the prayer a personal claim to God's involvement in my child's life.  It always helped!  God stands ready to intervene in our lives in miraculous and amazing ways.  He has a timetable and a divine purpose for each precious life.  His desire is to give us a life with benefits.  Benefits are anything that helps our life be better and fulfill our destiny.  We are asked to pursue righteousness and love if we want to find this life  that He so, so, so desires to give us according to Proverbs 21:21.  There are actions we must take as we walk in His ways and The Lord encourages us to write them on the tablet of our heart-WOW!!!  He knew we would need to keep His words deep within our souls. my picture of Clay.  On the day of our daughter, Kara's wedding, Clay was one of the Ringbearers.  The photos from the wedding arrived and when I saw this one that the photographer had snapped, I knew immediately that life does indeed come with benefits!!!  This photo is one of those assurances that says, "LIFE IS GOOD!"  ~ especially in the smile and eyes of a precious eight year old boy.  It was a spontaneous moment.  Dear God~give us all, I pray, more spontaneous moments in our days!  Yes, dear friend, life can and does have benefits!!!  Trust God to give you a good and happy life.  Happy Labor Day weekend to you.  I hope you find time to use your imagination and to do something spontaneous........

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