Monday, January 25, 2010


This beautiful chapel is called Faith Chapel and it located on the grounds of the very beautiful Jekyll Island Club Historic Hotel.  It was built as an inter-denominational chapel on the grounds in the early 1900's for the families who owned homes there or visited the club.  Times have think that in building their homes, their faith was so important to them that a chapel for worship was included and of importance for the families and their lives.  Sunday worship was a way of life for families.  Praise God that places like this have been restored and preserved for families today and for others who happen along the way and find such a special place to pause, reflect on the Holiness of God, and to perhaps offer a prayer for those who the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray for.  Several years ago, I was very blessed to know a precious Godly woman, Betty, who reflected Christ in her words, her actions, her teaching of the Word, and her countenance.  Betty taught me the importance of prayer in my life and I have saved her notes for twenty years. She shared from her heart without any notes on prayer and I jotted them down that winter day long ago and still use them often and always with a reminder that God honors prayer........

 PRAYER....."Prayer comes spontaneously from those who abide in Jesus.  Prayer is the natural outgushing of a soul in communion with Jesus.  As the leaf and fruit come out of the vine branch without any conscious effort and simply because of its living union with the stem, so prayer buds and blossoms and fruits out of souls abiding in Jesus.  As stars shine, so do abiders pray." 
Charles Spurgeon

Prayer is trusting God will answer according to His perfect will.  There will be times when you receive an answer right away but often we wait for God to answer.  The Bible often speaks of "waiting" for God:  "We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and shield." 

1. Wait through earnest specific prayer.
2. Listen for His Voice - Pray you will hear that still small Voice.
3. Develop a love for God's Word.
4. Ask the Lord to be steadfast.
5. Read His Word, meditate upon it.
6. Memorize His Word.
7. Words of the Bible are Living.
8. Obey God's Word.
9. Overcome fear and trust in Him.  Expect intense struggle as you seek to obey.
10. When you know you are in God's will leave the results to Him.  Give Him Glory and Honor!
11. When you wait, wait expectantly, ultimately it will be good.

May peace be with you~

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