Monday, July 2, 2012

Summertime and cool outdoors spaces.....

This is the time of the year.....summertime.....when we are all looking for a refuge from the heat! It seems for many areas in our country, America, and around then world, heat waves are at an all time high! I am sharing above a few pretty photos of spaces decorators have created on porches and places to escape the heat and enjoy refuge and revival! The last one is another photo of our outdoor party last weekend under the stars and twinkle lights. Thankfully, we planned the party near dusk so it was cooler. We all need a place to retreat when we feel the need to revive and restore. Heat is real and can alter our mood quickly but there is another kind of heat that can cause us to need a refuge. The world today is not much different from the times of ancient Israel when Moses lived in the world with his own family. Many of the great men of God whose positive blessings and strong confidence in God came as they sought refuge and retreat before a mighty God who rode the heavens to help when they called to Him in prayer. Today He continues to ride the Heavens to help us in our needs when we turn to Him in prayer. He is an eternal God whose everlasting arms are never exhausted and who is our refuge and safety. Deuteronomy 33:26-27 declare just those words! "There is no one like the God of Jushurun, Who rides the heavens to help you, and in His excellency on the clouds. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms". I just love that verse so full of promise!!! In times past, churches held revivals and these services were meant to revive Believers and bring the hurting in and show them the refuge of peace and renewal that God is able to be. He is MORE than able to make all grace abound and revive the weakened spirit. You see, God in His wisdom knew the world had the ability to hold us in bondage and heated situations but...... when we turn to Him, we are shown His grace and He opens our eyes and gives us a measure of revival. Where do you go for refuge and revival from the heat of this day, of this hour, of this minute? Dear friend, as beautiful as these rooms and spaces above are there is a Throne Room with ONE whose beauty is unsurpassed and His Name is JESUS! Psalm 90:1 joyfully announces to us that "Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations". May you seek refuge and peace sweet friend and find it today! Blessings of love on your day!!!

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