Thursday, March 8, 2012


I love BLUE and WHITE! My latest project has been so very joyful because I have had the wonderful honor of making a new covering for a bassinet that will soon hold our new little grandson who is due to arrive in April! The fabric I selected ( I was given this honor) hangs beautifully and I found the perfect blue satin fabric for the sash on the markdown table at 40% off! As I made this covering I was thinking about this sweet little life and WHO our new little grandson will look like...... will he look like his older brother or his sisters, his mother or his dad? The gift of a child is one of life's greatest blessings for a couple. Gathering pretty things with love for a new baby is part of the "nesting" for a new Mom as she prepares for her baby. My daughter has certainly been nesting while getting the two girls together in the same bedroom as they are now sharing a new room so the new baby will have his own. All the preparations are exciting and fun and the waiting doesn't seem too long because the days of late pregnancy are filled with so much to do! I marvel every time I see a precious new baby because I enjoyed my own babies so very much. It is the only time in a woman's life that she actually is entrusted by God with a miracle He is performing. For nine long months, a woman is entrusted with the development of her baby! As a mother we learn about life and love with a more advanced course in giving. Mothers are least all the ones I know. Mothers are uniquely equipped to spot needs and to sense the right way to meet them. One of the best preparations for understanding human nature is bearing and rearing children. The Bible teaches and history confirms that nations are built on families. We learn to be patient, to listen more and talk less, to be resourceful, to encourage, and most importantly to accept unconditionally our child.....this precious gift from God! Like Mary, the Blessed Mother of our Lord Jesus, it is a joy to have so much happiness treasured up in my heart so, now that ours are grown and out of the nest.....we can still be a part of the miracles God is performing in all their lives through prayer and our relationship with each one. I am so very thankful to be a Mother!

Today....after I finished sewing the bassinet covering....I walked out my front door to water my plants....looking down, I couldn't believe my eyes....A NEST had appeared almost overnight......such a confirmation ( just for me at my front door) that what we do as mothers to prepare for a new birth is truly inspired and designed by Our Creator! Yes....fluffing the nest is part of the miracle.....mine just happened to be blue and white(for Kristen)! God is so amazing!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful. The most special gift I have received is to become a mother. Thank you for your amazing example of what the unconditional love of a mother looks like. I love you. Kristen
