Monday, June 20, 2011

Ministering Spirits.......The Wounds of an Angel

Look closely at this Angel.....his wounded arm makes him even more beautiful!

I have always been fascinated by angels.  Dr. Billy Graham calls them "God's Secret Agents." The beautiful descriptions found in the Bible give us all a keen awareness that God  has lavished His beauty on these glorious creations!  He wasted nothing in making them symbols of  beauty, goodness, and purity. In Luke 24:4 angels are described as "two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning."  They spoke words of hope and of life, "Why do you look for the living among the dead. He is not here; He has risen!"  Yes, angels are present if we take the time to look around us in the world in which we live.

Ministering spirits are people who are angels among us.  Most often, I have found, they are the ones who are the most wounded.  They hurt.  They have experienced pain. Sometimes, they are still hurting.  Yet, miraculously they are able to reach out and touch others in their serviceable labors and assistance, continually active today in advancing goodness on the earth.  In unexpected ways, they often give of their love and their time and their resources, when we least expect it!

In Hebrews 1:14 the Lord's words declare "Are not all angels ministering spirits, sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"  Yes, they are God's messengers of love and life!  God is raising up a new generation of people who He is calling to minister in the next generation. They have a future, that is for sure.  God has ordained every day of their lives from beginning to end.  He sees their future and wants it to be good.  If you are a parent, you can do your part by just loving them, unconditionally.  Encourage them.  Love their friends. Be understanding.  Be compassionate.  Listen.  Wounds do not mean that one is useless, most often it means they've arrived just in time to be crowned in all HIS glory as a "ministering spirit"!  God has a way of making "All things work together for good."  Even the wounds!  A new day gives us all new opportunities to serve the Lord with gladness...wounds and all!  Blessings to you dear friend!

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