Thursday, March 17, 2011

Children are a Gift......

One of the most joyful days for a mother is the day that her child or children are born.  Children embody everything that tomorrow should be~alive, alert, capable, and ardently in love with God and everybody! The children gifted to be born to Believing mothers are doubly blessed!  These children grow up knowing they are loved by their parents and God.  Babies bring surprise, renewal, and the chance to make things right in our own vision of what childhood can be.  Sure there are unknowns to a new mother but a mother who is a Believer in God knows that she can gently bow her head and thank God for the beautiful gift of a child.  She can ask for wisdom to take care of him or her and help in knowing how to honor the life that God has so graciously entrusted to her.  A young mother doesn't really think much at first how the choices that she makes when her baby is young will ultimately affect the rest of their lives.  I had no idea how much I would laugh and cry and need to depend upon God for this wisdom.  He so graciously and liberally gives us this wisdom when we take the time to ask!  I have even asked forgiveness for trying to mold my children into what I thought they should be.  How wise God is to allow me now to see that the personalities, the talents, and the brilliance of their minds were all fitting together for a pattern of HIS design!  My own children made their own choices and I am grateful for most of the choices they did make for themselves for they are so fun to be around and  to be with today.  Yes, there have been shock waves that got my attention but more than anything these shock waves opened my own eyes to see and accept others for who they were, not what I thought they should be.  The Lord taught me about life and love with a more advance course in giving than I could have ever received from a book or "lesson".   Mothers are uniquely equipped to spot needs and to sense the right ways to meet them.  Godly mothers are building the remnant of the next generation of Believers.  I am so glad God entrusted this responsibility to me five times!

Now...... the next generation of mothers is being entrusted to my daughters and other young women of the present generation.  God has such special plans for these little gifts!  Tomorrow our precious grandson, Clay, will be turning nine.  He is a special child to us all.  Everyday that we have been able to spend with him has been valuable to him and to us.  He has such a sweet, kind spirit.  He loves LEGO's, laughter, movies, reading, his PSP, music and his ipod,  his family and friends.  He is a people person.  He enjoys being around his friends and doing nice things for other people.  I know God has a wonderful plan for his life! 

On Saturday, we will be celebrating the birthdays of our beautiful twin grandchildren Luke and Isabel with their parents.   They are a priceless gift!  Their smiles and laughter light up our lives with joy everyday!  They were born beautiful and healthy!  Luke was born first and a few minutes later Isabel entered the world!  I don't think I could have imagined the magnitude of their birth and the blessings that would come with them.  God entrusted our daughter and son in law with such a special gift on the day they were born.  Seeing them hold their babies, the calmness with how they handled them as infants and now as three year olds is amazing.  My children all came as single births so I had no idea the work and effort that would go into each moment of my daughter's day as a mother of twins.  She handles every situation with joy and much love!  Her children already "rise up and bless her" each day.  They have their own little language, friendship, and special moments that come from sharing everyday of their life together.  Everyday seems to be a party for them!  

Children's Birthday parties are a celebration of their lives!  The gift that they are AND the enormous hope of tomorrow fills my own heart to overflowing capacity and with much joy!   Today, I am  humbly reminded once again that a mother leaves a lasting legacy upon her children. I wish Clay, Luke, and Isabel many more beautiful birthdays!!!!!  

~This sweet little Birthday party was one I attended as a child
I am the one on the left second row back.  As a child, I remember looking at 
this picture often and thought it looked like a perfect party!~

 ~Clay with his LEGO fire truck~
~Luke and Isabel  with their "Nina" in their Jessie and Woody Hats from Toy Story~

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