Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Written Words

Ideas for Just The Right Paper, Pen, and Desk!

There is nothing more beautiful than a sincere hand written note.  Truly, it is a mark of class and good taste.  A lovely way to spend a few minutes telling someone, with gratitude, how much you appreciate their gift or their time spent with you.  It is personal.  In our culture of the masses and the media, it is rare to find someone who personally takes the time to make another feel loved and special.  Our thoughts go into written words so in essence we share a part of ourselves when we write a personal note.  As in speaking, we should think before we write, making sure our words are the right words and sincere.  Then, we should address the envelope carefully.  When our children were young, we encouraged them  to write thank you notes for nice things that had been done for them.  All of them, to my knowledge, carry this beautiful expression of thanksgiving on to others.

Years ago someone shared with me a  lovely book called, Silver Boxes.  It was a book written about words and how our words should be like little silver boxes tied up with silver bows......a special GIFT to others.  Those words have always remained with me because our words should be full of encouragement and grace.  We must choose wisely what we allow to enter our hearts because out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Psalm 19:14 says to us...."Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer."  Many of the notes that I have received, I enjoy keeping because they serve as little silver boxes of encouragement.

Once on vacation in Newport, Rhode Island, we found a beautiful little shop, called Papers.  The name told exactly what we found inside the quaint little storefront~papers!  All kinds of writing papers were found..... to buy, to order, to customize and for me, since I love paper, it was like....... Heaven!  Selecting the paper one chooses to write on and the pen with which one writes can be an expression of oneself also.  It doesn't have to be expensive to express how you feel and what you would like to say.  To someone like my husband who has a large pen collection, selecting the pen he will write his note with is the most important part.  He is gifted with a beautiful ability to script words.  His handwriting is beautiful.  There is another store in New Orleans, Louisiana called Scriptura and it also is filled of with papers, cards, stationary, and a vast array of books to select and customize one's stationary.

My most favorite letter is the letter that God inspired and wrote to all of us.....The Holy Bible, His written words to us.  "Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to may path."  Psalm 119:105  and "The unfolding of Thy words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple."  Psalm 119:130  God's love letter to us is available to us everyday and in this new year, I pray that you can begin each day with the most special WORDS ever written.  It's simple......"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  James 4:8  Bless you dear one as you write and as you read your notes!!!  Have a blessed and happy day!!!

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