The Lord your God is in your midst....The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing!" Zephaniah 3:17
Happy Birthday to our Kacie! It seems like only yesterday, that we were thrilled that the Lord brought Kacie into our world on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. At the time, I was a LaLeche League Leader and many of my friends were having home births. We prepared in every possible way and decided we would have our baby in a birthing room and bring her home as early as possible. The doctor released us just two hours after she was born and we brought her home. Looking back, I suppose we took risks on that day, but we were young, prepared, and wanted to be as natural as possible. That evening my entire family and Steve's parents were gathered around in awe at this beautiful baby that we had been blessed to receive. Kacie is such a gentle and kind spirit and I believe that God has had His loving Hand on her from that very day for someone special. She has so many gifts but she grew up just naturally loving the Lord~always. She is a true witness and has a wisdom that is rare and deep. Many people witness with their words, Kacie witnesses with her life....through her movements, her love for others, her ability to stay calm in the storm, and her gentle spirit of love and goodness. She is frugal, can stretch a dollar further than anyone I know, likes simplicity in her home, and always throws a beautiful party with her eclectic style. She loves the Lord, Josh, Luke, Isabel, her family and friends, Anthropolgie, pedicures, to laugh, to sing, to dance, and to care....which she does freely. She was blessed to meet the love of her life in Josh and he has so many wonderful qualities that esteem and compliment Kacie and now to watch them with their beautiful Luke and Isabel is amazing! I thought having five kids was a big deal until I watched Kacie and Josh with their twins~it is hard work and they amaze me with their organization and happiness in every task they undertake. You are wished a very special and Happy Birthday and yes.....You are a Princess!!!! At 30, you do however become a Queen!!!!
What a sweet post! Happy Birthday to my precious friend!