~Cute new beach bags~
~Cannot wait to FIND mine this season~
~Coastal Living~
~Walk right outside to a HAPPY day......365 days a year!~
Just yesterday I received my March copy of Coastal Living! Reminds me vividly of why I enjoy living in this beautiful location 365 days a year! Our path led us here and I joyfully embrace living here each and every day! This issue has one of my favorite colors for beach decor and a wonderful article and photos on Puerto Rico, where I actually spent a holiday a few years ago as a gift, going with our daughter Kristen, and her husband Brian! The photos are about the colors of Puerto Rico, the art, and the culture and history! Two years ago I painted everything this vivid teal/blue color!!! Not really everything, but I did begin to find that one painted piece really brightens the spirit too! I had a chest that we had purchased to match a bed in one of our daughter's bedrooms. One day, on a whim, I bought the paint and painted the chest before the end of the day and placed it back in it's rightful place! Change is good for us, whether it is color, a new outlook on life or maybe just accepting someone or a situation for who they are and stop trying to change them (like we could or should~that is not our place). Often, if we take the time to look at ourselves through God's word we find that WE are the ones who need to change (oh, yes, I am speaking to myself here). Yes, change is good for us. Staying close to our Creator helps us to see old situations (things that have happened) through His eyes and His ways and those are the ways, if allowed, to take root and will allow us to forgive, accept, love, heal, give, restore, and refresh! Hope today finds you spending new time painting a new way of looking at the very LIFE you've been given to LIVE!!!! Live it to the fullest!!! Paint your world into a masterpiece!