It is no secret that God touches each person with special gifts and talents. As a mother, it has been a joy to continue to see the gifts and talents of my own children continue to be discovered and revealed in God's goodness and His timing in their lives. Artistic talents were varied and given by God for glory and beauty in many descriptions He shares in the Bible. God speaks to Moses in Exodus 28:3 and instructs him to "speak to all who are gifted artisans, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom that they may make Aaron's garments, to consecrate him, that he may minister to Me as priest". Aaron, a Priest, was Moses brother and God instructed Moses in detail about the robes Aaron would wear as a priest. In this passage in the Bible God continues to instruct about artistically woven fabrics and their workmanship and the skill needed for constructing these garments used in worship. I find this amazing! For someone like me who enjoys the gift of working with my hands, these words encourage me to continue to use and be trained with my skills of sewing and workmanship. I love working with beautiful fabrics to create garments or home furnishings such as window treatments, pillows, and other articles for the home or for those I love. Why? I do this to make their homes lovely and places of beauty. I love the details of small stitches and intricate touches that might be hidden to the eye, but help in making something really beautiful. More and more I realize that this is a gift from God. Perhaps also this is why I adore antique linens and French hand sewn items. I think about the person who sat for hours using a needle and thread to create a garment of beauty that has lasted through generations. Your gift may not be sewing but rest assured you do have gifts and they are worthy gifts given by God who affectionately longs to bring them to light and nurture them! "Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation". Psalm 68:19

My daughter, Kristen has an artistic talent continually being developed! She painted this lovely painting of her daughter, Ava!

The hand work and workmanship on the bonnet purchased in France for a mere 10 euros is beautiful! A treasure for my next granddaughter!

Throughout time God's Word has inspired God's people to Worship Him with gifts and talents for His glory! These garments were beautiful and colorful! I snapped this photo in Avignon, France last year on Palm Sunday! The Priest were just getting ready for Worship!!!