Design for a living space will most likely take you a while to plan, to save the funds for your plans, to shop for and to accomplish your design goal. I always advise to look at books and magazines that "jump" out at you. I have many favorites but I lean toward a style that is inviting and comfortable. I enjoy a room where people can relax, put their feet up, and just be themselves. Those are the best kind of places because usually they are cozy and warmth is sensed immediately when you walk in the room. One thing a room shouldn't say is "LOOK at ME".....in other words, you want the people invited to your home to feel like they really want to be there and that you didn't spend hours making it look like a show place....it should be just what it is.... YOUR HOME! Our homes can and should be the very dwelling place of God because He is our most treasured guest! God has gifted you in special ways and "He is available to shepherd you according to the integrity of HIS heart. And He can guide you dear friend by the skillfulness of HIS Hands." Psalm 78:72 So...don't be afraid to step out there and do anything you want to do. It might be something as simple as painting a picture frame or trying to sew a pillow for your sofa. Designers spend hours in training to be skillful. You can do it too with just a hour here or there......I always put my projects on hold until I have the time to complete them. It is much more rewarding to be fresh in your work. Here's another picture of one of my favorite rooms HOUSE BEAUTIFUL has ever published by a designer. Enjoy the picture.....