Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Cross
First impressions are often lasting and this beautiful room reflects the love in the heart of my friend for the Lord. This tasteful and newly decorated home is on the west coast and the Spanish influence is evident throughout.....it is lovely! I especially was touched by the Crosses and seeing them displayed so tastefully reminded me of how she took her corner of the universe, her home, and improved it in ways to reflect her faith and her love of the Lord. I thank her for sharing these photographs with me and reminding me that our homes reflect our hearts.
"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that's your own self." Aldous Huxley
Wow! Now those gracious words are chosen to inspire! I am hoping that you grew as a person this year and you found ways to be productive with your talents and resources. In other words, I hope that you feel that your life is of value in both small and big ways. To be human, means that we aren't always sitting around thinking of how we can be a better person but, if we look inward prayerfully, we all can find ways to live more as our Heavenly Father would desire us to live. Life has a way of bringing us changes when we least expect them and we can choose to use these situations to look up or down and I pray that you are able to look up! In the new year, please allow me to encourage you to write down a few things you want to work on to improve about you....yourself. Begin by resolving to use your energy in a positive, constructive, life-enhancing, optomistic way. Try just to enjoy what life brings you day to day and seek to live your life with as few regrets as possible. What kind of year did you have in 2009? No matter how many challenges you've encountered, no matter what pain you've endured, ask yourself "Did I do my best?"
Which leads me to my friends lovely display of the Cross.....This morning, as I was praying, I began to think about THE CROSS and how Jesus gave His life for us there and truly The Cross was a new beginning for all who BELIEVE in Him! In the book of John, he tells us that Jesus went to The Cross not only to bear our sin but that He
would send us His Spirit! We can have the blessing all year of living a spirit filled life. In other words, allowing Him to fill you each morning with His Spirit. Have you known someone who approached life daily spirit filled? They are hard to miss, for their joy bubbles over and their spirits are the ones who lift up all they meet! Like an angel, they often minister to others with their joyful and guided spirit filled lives. I have been blessed to know some of these wonderful people! Being with them and around them changed my life and continues to influence me to this day! Yes....we have THE CROSS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT! "It is the Spirit who gives life..." John 6:63 In the ending of this year, I am praying that God will draw us all closer to His heart and that His Spirit will flow from us to bring about change in the world. Seek to find where God is at work, then join in to be a part of what HE is doing in the world. He is alive and He is always at work!!! Blessings of joy to you and may you have a Happy New Year~2010!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Memories.....in the making!
On Saturday, Kristen and her family and Kacie and her family invited me to "Breakfast With Santa" at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear! How fun! It was a beautiful experience with all five of our sweet grandchildren. One of the greatest joys in my life is watching our girls be generous and loving mothers. They are so gracious with their children. Sweet pictures from the morning with Santa!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Life of Our Lord
"And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name...JESUS.
He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father, David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there will be no end." Luke 1:31-33
There is a wonder surrounding Mary, the mother of Jesus, that transcends traditional religious thought. That she was a privileged vessel, chosen to bear God's Son, is wonder enough, for she is a participant in the miracle of the Incarnation at a level no other human being can comprehend. It is clear that she did not claim to understand it herself, but simply worshiped God in humble acknowledgment of the miracle engulfing her existence: "My soul magnifies the Lord." she exclaimed. In her own heart, we are told in the Scriptures that she pondered these things. She is truly a beautiful woman and the Life of our Lord was preciously given to her to love, to nurture, and to behold! She had to go away from her family to a place unknown to her and it was there that God chose His Son to be born among the lowly and the animals of the stable. Yet the STAR of wonder found her and shepherds and a Heavenly host of ANGELS proclaimed the miracle, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill to all men." Luke 2:14 During these next few days before Christmas, I hope that you have some sacred time to reflect on these verses from the Bible and truly center your heart in the Lord! Your family and your loved ones will be blessed if you do, but most importantly you will be blessed. "O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His Name together!!!" Merry Christmas to you...and to your family.
He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father, David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there will be no end." Luke 1:31-33
There is a wonder surrounding Mary, the mother of Jesus, that transcends traditional religious thought. That she was a privileged vessel, chosen to bear God's Son, is wonder enough, for she is a participant in the miracle of the Incarnation at a level no other human being can comprehend. It is clear that she did not claim to understand it herself, but simply worshiped God in humble acknowledgment of the miracle engulfing her existence: "My soul magnifies the Lord." she exclaimed. In her own heart, we are told in the Scriptures that she pondered these things. She is truly a beautiful woman and the Life of our Lord was preciously given to her to love, to nurture, and to behold! She had to go away from her family to a place unknown to her and it was there that God chose His Son to be born among the lowly and the animals of the stable. Yet the STAR of wonder found her and shepherds and a Heavenly host of ANGELS proclaimed the miracle, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill to all men." Luke 2:14 During these next few days before Christmas, I hope that you have some sacred time to reflect on these verses from the Bible and truly center your heart in the Lord! Your family and your loved ones will be blessed if you do, but most importantly you will be blessed. "O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His Name together!!!" Merry Christmas to you...and to your family.
Monday, December 7, 2009
December 4th.......and a Coconut Cake
Every year that my husband and I have been married, he has made for me a beautiful coconut cake! What Bliss!!! This year once again, my family celebrated their lives with mine and I think every year life really does get better. Every morning possible, I jog two miles, celebrate a relationship with my Savior, the Lord Jesus, and about three months ago bought a juicer! Wow.....now can life get any better? This year, my daughter Shelly made the coconut cake and even grated the coconut! Double BLISS! Thank you to my family and my wonderful friends for helping me to celebrate my birthday. I love you all! "Another day is dawning, dear Master, let it be, In working or in waiting, another day with THEE!" ~Frances R. Havergal~
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Light a Candle
Have you ever faced a difficulty so large that the impossible lurked in your mind? Perhaps something you've been praying for is delayed. Maybe you've looked at the situation, considered the options and felt overcome. The children of Israel faced a similar delay when God spoke to Moses and told him to lead the Israelites to the promised land to a place flowing with milk and honey. Joshua and Caleb were two of the mighty men sent to spy out the situation they were facing as they sought this new land. Caleb declared, "Let us go up at once and take possession for we are well able to overcome it." Numbers 13:30 What faith! He knew they had the power to overcome, a capacity to prevail and succeed. However, the spies Caleb sent to survey the situation brought back a bad report, complaining about giants in the land who were stronger than them. They wanted to give up! But Moses and Aaron after hearing of these giants in the land of Canaan, fell on their faces before the Lord. These faith filled men did not deny the difficulty of defeating giants, but sought instead the POWER OF GOD in the face of their problem. Caleb stood his ground and later, even though delayed, ultimately brought victory. God is able to bring you through any situation into a land flowing with milk and honey. In my own life, I have seen it! We have been faced with situations that seemed impossible to overcome, but we did with the salvation of the Lord. Let the power of the Living God work in your life today.... "They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed." Psalm 34:5 The Christmas season brings much hope and joy because Jesus has overcome a cruel world and we too can have the peace and joy right now...even a prayer request has been delayed, an answer will come. God will find a way to meet your every need. As you go out, take your faith and the Light of Jesus with you! Even a small gesture, such as lighting a candle in your home can be a reminder to you of God's good and shining light and that He is faithful in every situation. He is shining bright! Blessings to you dear one during Christmas and always!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
It's Christmas in Fairhope!!!!

It's Christmas in Fairhope where three of our daughters live and from the decorations in their homes, it is promising to be a holiday that entices everyone to settle in for joy and gladness. This lovely entrance is in Kristen and Brian's home where the house is filled with warm sunlight and a very cozy feeling. It was just the right spot for their family to host all of us for a small party honoring our daughter, Kara Ann and her engagement to her boyfriend, Phil. Phil is from England so his gentlemen ways and proper ways caught even Kara off guard on a recent stroll through Central Park in New York City. Phil dropped to his knee and made a very sweet proposal to Kara. They were able to share the Thanksgiving holiday with us and we all couldn't be more excited for them! They have dated for three years and met while both were students at The University of Reading in the UK.

Friday, November 13, 2009
A Thanksgiving Table for Sharing........

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." III John 2 This is a beautiful time of the year when our hearts begin to turn closely to home and to family and friends that we love and care about. One of the glorious attributes that God has graciously bestowed upon a woman is the joy of nurturing and loving those around us. The result of spending time alone with God results in a quality of life, commitment, dedication, and action that is in line with His Word. He is there to help us on the road or succeed in each task that is before us. Thanksgiving and Christmas give us many opportunities to love and encourage those in our lives. I want to encourage you to celebrate God's bounty and make your table lovely for all to enjoy. We are blessed to be alive and to have another day and another Thanksgiving season to celebrate God's bounty and prosperity in our lives. May you know that God loves and accepts you as you come to HIS TABLE and He is there to listen, listen, and listen and He fully offers acceptance, blessing and refreshment and forgiveness. He is a God of goodness and GRACE! "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: Blessed is the man or woman who trusts HIM!" Psalm 34:17
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Birthday Girl......Ava Grace

I could say many wonderful things about Ava but she has LIFE! She is artistic, bright, quick, happy, perceptive, inquisitive, athletic, "wild", and just an all round bundle of energy. She celebrated her birthday on November 11, turning five years old! She is such a special girl and I would say little girl, but Ava Grace is pint size but enormous in personality. She totally lights up a room with her personality. Ava was ALL about what a birthday should be~HAPPY! She woke up happy and her Mom, Kristen, had her breakfast ready! Ava enjoys eating her boiled eggs (at her request) European style in her egg cup, cracking her egg and then delicately eating it with a spoon. She brings so much joy to our lives and our family! She had a very special day! Her Dad purchased her an American Girl Doll named Julie and she was SO thrilled and suprised when she opened her gift! It was a joy to share in her special day! I believe GREAT experiences will come to her in her special life. Thank you dear Lord for sharing this special child with our family! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVA GRACE!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Decorating for Comfort......

Enjoy the days and weeks ahead......organize your time and your efforts will pay off. I will leave you with some precious thoughts as you prepare........
"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness." Mother Teresa
"To speak kindly does not hurt the tongue."
"You can preach a better sermon with your life than your lips."
"We've got to build a better man/woman before we build a better world."
Blessings to you this lovely fall evening!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Very Special Place.......

This room holds many treasures. It is one of those rooms that is just for the treasures that it holds. It is meant to be a place that is familiar to those who come and go. The bedroom furniture was purchased 23 years ago at an antique market which was being held outdoors at the fairgrounds in Charlotte, North Carolina. We had just recently moved there from California and I found the beds and loved them! I asked my sweet husband to go and try and buy them for two of our daughters' and he came home with the beds, a dresser, and a high boy dresser! I was so excited. Today the room has sort of turned into a place where our kids come home to stay when they are in town. It has been a comfortable place to be. Most recently, when my grandmother passed away at 99 years of age, she left to me a beautiful quilt on the bed on the left made "before 1880" by my great-great grandmother, Virginia Bradley Murphy. On the right bed, she had given me this quilt in 1982. It was made by my great-great grandmother Harris in the late 1880's. I feel very blessed to have these in my home. The shell mirror was made by my daughter, Shelly, from sea shells she collected in one afternoon on the gulf coast of Alabama. The mirror is perfectly aligned. It is like a work of art if you look closely. I just love it!!! Needless to say.....this is a special room. There are books of the travels of our children and special photographs of their lives. The little cowboy boots were Steven's. He wore them....out! Literally! Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed and who would have dreamed that five generations ago when my great, great grandmothers were sewing, I wonder if they knew the love and admiration that I would have for their work and love would be felt and cherished in my home 130 years later. Yes....love does matter. Love and enjoy your family.......it matters!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Fall and Happy Halloween to All the little ones....
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Many Angels Around the Throne.....

Last week, I watched a documentary on the book of Revelation and although the commentator was very convincing about many of the revelations of the book, which I had read on occasions before, I decided to take a while and read the book again. I was most interested in the interpretation of the seven seals that would be opened in the last days. As I read I was touched by the realization that once again....there will be a new place prepared for us as Believers one day, it is true that we are destined for triumph! This sculpture in the picture was larger than life and most likely, it is Mary in the middle but the angels on the sides were beautiful and as I read the scriptures in Revelation 5:11-12, I could almost envision what I had seen and was in awe of what God has planned for our future and for the great privilege of Worship! "Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders, and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!" We can reign now and bless His Name on earth by our worship, our prayers, and our witness in word and deed. "Yes....it is true!" How do I know He lives.....He lives within my heart! May the grace of our Lord be with you!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Custom Design......

Design for a living space will most likely take you a while to plan, to save the funds for your plans, to shop for and to accomplish your design goal. I always advise to look at books and magazines that "jump" out at you. I have many favorites but I lean toward a style that is inviting and comfortable. I enjoy a room where people can relax, put their feet up, and just be themselves. Those are the best kind of places because usually they are cozy and warmth is sensed immediately when you walk in the room. One thing a room shouldn't say is "LOOK at ME".....in other words, you want the people invited to your home to feel like they really want to be there and that you didn't spend hours making it look like a show place....it should be just what it is.... YOUR HOME! Our homes can and should be the very dwelling place of God because He is our most treasured guest! God has gifted you in special ways and "He is available to shepherd you according to the integrity of HIS heart. And He can guide you dear friend by the skillfulness of HIS Hands." Psalm 78:72 So...don't be afraid to step out there and do anything you want to do. It might be something as simple as painting a picture frame or trying to sew a pillow for your sofa. Designers spend hours in training to be skillful. You can do it too with just a hour here or there......I always put my projects on hold until I have the time to complete them. It is much more rewarding to be fresh in your work. Here's another picture of one of my favorite rooms HOUSE BEAUTIFUL has ever published by a designer. Enjoy the picture.....
Monday, October 19, 2009
Even In a Kitchen......Miracles Can Happen!

Love this KITCHEN!!!! It's from my favorite magazine.....House Beautiful!

Dinner All Set For Two in our KITCHEN!!!
Did you know that God knows you by your name and calls you by your name? The Almighty, all-powerful, El Shaddai, calls you by your name. Everything you need, He is capable of bestowing upon you, that very gift! He even loves you so dearly and generously that He provides His angels charge over you to care for you and to keep you! Because He has set His love upon you, every morning, noon, and night, He is available to transform difficult and impossible circumstances in your life!!! We can welcome the overruling power of God's presence into any situation we face! Just Pray "Your kingdom come, Your will be done--HERE....even as I am praying in my kitchen!!!" Let me encourage you to set up a place for God's throne to enter by filling your life's settings (perhaps a special room in your house) with PRAISE! PRAISE opens the Heavens and allows God's Glory to flow to His children. "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us, yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90: 16-17 He knows us by NAME and His majestic love establishes the work of our hands.....whether it be in the kitchen, which is much of mine, or whether it be caring for your little ones, or actually whatever your hand finds you doing! God is with you! I hope that you will know that you are "IN HIS PRESENCE" no matter what you are doing.
More of New York.......
Kara worked so hard while at the University of Mississippi to achieve her degree in merchandising and while in her senior year, she earned an internship at Marimekko. Little did she know what God had in store for her.......she now has a management position on the Upper East Side of New York City! We are so proud of her. I had such a great time with her and while we were there, Phil celebrated his birthday one evening at a great true Italian restaurant in the East Village. The first picture is of the two of them outside the restaurant. The picture of "ELOISE" was taken at The Plaza Hotel, which is a beautiful place when you are in the city! I do love New York and have gotten very comfortable with being there! Three out of our five children have now called New York home....plus a son-in-law!

Monday, October 5, 2009
A Talent.....
"One may lack talent for doing great things, as men count greatness, but one's station in life does not determine greatness in the sight of God. He looks for dedicated hearts carrying prayerful burdens. God longs for those who work at prayer." Dick Eastman
This beautiful quote sums up my heart as I walked through and prayed in so many beautiful churches and cathedrals on my trip to New York last week. I was blessed beyond measure as I walked in each one at the silent reverence for the Lord sensed there.
Inner peace and tranquility can be ours regardless of circumstances. I was thinking one day, as I was there for six days, visiting Kara, that God used most likely men, maybe immigrants, from a foreign land to construct the amazing cathedrals in the city. Each man who worked on the construction probably did not have a high station in life by the world's idea of greatness but look what they did for the Glory of God and His majesty and for many generations to come blessings will flow from these places of worship. All of us have a foundation on which we build......may you find your foundation in a quiet trust in the Lord God.
The remainder of the pictures are of our cute, cute, cute hotel room, a boutique hotel in Midtown and time spent at the store Kara is now managing! My brother and sister joined me for one night and a day to celebrate our Grandmother's 100th birthday on October 1st. We had a great time.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Providence...."Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days." Ecclesiates 11:1

Many Scriptures in the Bible tell us that God desires for us to prosper. III John 2 says, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." It is clear that God wants His children to prosper. Prosperity comes as a result of a quality of life, commitment, dedication, and action that is in line with God's Word. When we prosper or succeed, we've been helped on the road of life in an ongoing, progressing state of success and well being that comes at the Hand of a loving God providing direction and guidance for our daily needs. God intends for every area of our lives, the spiritual, the physical and emotional, and the material to be in balance. Then, true prosperity comes. "Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor my righteous cause; And let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant." Psalm 35:27 God is pleased when His servants prosper. May you be safe, well, happy, healthy, and in peace. Daily may you and I find ourselves at the foot of the Cross in search of those provisions. May you prosper dear friend in every aspect of your life.....go ahead....Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days, I know you will find it. Blessings to you, ALWAYS!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Lord your God is in your midst....The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing!" Zephaniah 3:17
Happy Birthday to our Kacie! It seems like only yesterday, that we were thrilled that the Lord brought Kacie into our world on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. At the time, I was a LaLeche League Leader and many of my friends were having home births. We prepared in every possible way and decided we would have our baby in a birthing room and bring her home as early as possible. The doctor released us just two hours after she was born and we brought her home. Looking back, I suppose we took risks on that day, but we were young, prepared, and wanted to be as natural as possible. That evening my entire family and Steve's parents were gathered around in awe at this beautiful baby that we had been blessed to receive. Kacie is such a gentle and kind spirit and I believe that God has had His loving Hand on her from that very day for someone special. She has so many gifts but she grew up just naturally loving the Lord~always. She is a true witness and has a wisdom that is rare and deep. Many people witness with their words, Kacie witnesses with her life....through her movements, her love for others, her ability to stay calm in the storm, and her gentle spirit of love and goodness. She is frugal, can stretch a dollar further than anyone I know, likes simplicity in her home, and always throws a beautiful party with her eclectic style. She loves the Lord, Josh, Luke, Isabel, her family and friends, Anthropolgie, pedicures, to laugh, to sing, to dance, and to care....which she does freely. She was blessed to meet the love of her life in Josh and he has so many wonderful qualities that esteem and compliment Kacie and now to watch them with their beautiful Luke and Isabel is amazing! I thought having five kids was a big deal until I watched Kacie and Josh with their twins~it is hard work and they amaze me with their organization and happiness in every task they undertake. You are wished a very special and Happy Birthday and yes.....You are a Princess!!!! At 30, you do however become a Queen!!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Guest Room
Monday, September 7, 2009
Simple and Serene
On this day that is honored to cease from our labors, I hope for you.........
Health enough to make work a pleasure,
Wealth enough to support your needs,
Strength enough to battle with difficulties and overcome them,
Grace enough to toil until good is accomplished,
Charity enough to see good in your neighbor,
Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others,
Faith enough to make real the things of God,
Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Artfully Fashioned Entry
This artfully fashioned entry merits a prominent spot with this beautiful heirloom, a bow front chest. Settings that start with furnishings passed down from one generation to the next help a room or an area take shape. Both culture and charm have a say here as you walk into this beautiful home. The other photographs are the same home and we clustered together items of similar details where the style the client wanted, which is relaxed, seems to clearly be accomplished. We enjoyed working together to achieve the look she wanted for her home. Balance is the key!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The President's Room
"History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived but if faced with courage it need not be lived again." Maya Angelou
On late Tuesday evening, the last of the Kennedy brothers, Edward Moore Kennedy, passed away. I have always loved history and have sought to instill in our children a deep love for our country's heritage and encouraged them to respect those individuals who have served as a source of strength and inspiration to make our nation great. As our children were growing up, we made trips to Washington, D.C. regularly and stopped along the way at Williamsburg, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Stratford Hall, Gettysburg, Hyannis Port on Cape Cod, The JFK Library in Boston, and many more noteworthy historical locations. Often times we did this type of vacation because with a large family, history vacations were both educational but a bit less expensive than the exotic locations they might have preferred as kids. I believe though, that this gave them all a love for history and a yearning to live selfless when concerning their rights and freedoms. In these travels, we began to collect books on the Presidents and cities that have a political history rich with the early years of the United States of America. We even enjoy a room in our home, called "The President's Room" where we enjoy reading and sharing this collection of books. I have always enjoyed reading about the Kennedy Family and have read and enjoyed learning about their approach of service to our country. President Kennedy approached obstacles and decisions with wisdom, honor, and above all, courage. On January 20, 1961 during his Inaugural Address, John F. Kennedy said these prophetic words, "And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country." In reading, we are able to understand that his brothers and sisters did also, so to the family of Edward "Ted" Kennedy, my heart is extended in sympathy. A life well lived deserves respect. He taught other Americans to tolerate and respect each other and to remove racial, religious, and other social blinders. He, like his brothers shared the values as well as dreams for peace and prosperity. His life may not have been perfect, but he and his family did much for our great country. The photograph above is from our "President's Room".
"To the service of that great and glorious Being who is the Beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, that will be; We unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection and for the great degree of tranquility, union and plenty which we have enjoyed; We most humbly offer.....our prayers and supplications to the Great Lord and Ruler of Nations." George Washington, 1732-1789
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Heavens

This photographer captured an amazing view in the sky of what appears to be a beautiful HEART shape........
"Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds!" Psalm 36:5 His love for you is beyond your understanding. Look up.....He longs to show you His majesty. Turn your eyes to see the beauty and glory of His creation. Ponder the vastness of His abilities. Do you know that you are a vessel than He lives through? How precious to understand and sense that He reaches from the Heavens deep within our human hearts to convey His love for us. It is then, when our hearts are full and our hearts are open to His working that we can then be the vessel that He can use for His amazing love and glory to be shared with a world that desperately needs His loving and kind touch. The heart, intellect, awareness, mind, inner person, inner feelings, deepest thoughts, inner self.....that is the heart. "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23 May your day and heart and your home be filled with joy and His goodness.
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