Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Paris and St. Remy de Provence

Prayerfully and hopeful let your life become an open door for others......always!
"Come in......I have been waiting for you!"

 Le Marais ~ Paris
An old, old Jewish neighborhood full of cute shops!
Street after street looked like postcards!
 Flower Markets are everywhere in Paris!
Strolling streets........a favorite pastime!
 Magnificent Paris

Chocolate shops.....EVERYWHERE!!
Reminders of the sights!
Palais des Papes
Every church or cathedral gave us a  wonder and a sense of awe of our Mighty God!
Norwich Cathedral
This beautiful Cathedral has stood for over 900 years as a presence of Christian worship in the heart of Norfolk in Norwich!  It is a mere 15 minute walk from Kara and Phil's home.  They can see it from their window each morning!  
 A lovely interior in Avignon!
 Beautiful courtyard in Provence
 Enjoying a glass of Rose'
Saint Remy de Provence
Even the simplest exterior becomes beautiful!

A few days in Paris and one becomes transported to a different time and place!  Parisians do not rush about anything....they have their coffee with leisure, they enjoy their meals with much conversation, they listen, they laugh, they enjoy LIFE!  Then, they have dessert and a latte or perhaps a class of rose'  They enjoy their wine slowly and with conversation.  The beauty of their city is everywhere!  

The history of the world is everywhere in France!  Strolling through the narrow stone streets of Paris or Saint Remy de Provence the evening is cool and the surroundings are quiet.  I am aware, even as I write this, of the softness of the lighting and the particular mood that is everywhere.  Sidewalk cafes become "rooms" where friends gather to enjoy conversation and each other.  Differences seem to fade. I understand now why people have a ongoing love affair with France, and particularly Provence!  There is a balance and a harmony only found there.

The art, the flowers, the gardens, the vineyards, the antique markets, the holiday.....forever etched in my heart!  I miss my daughter, Kara.  I love her so much.  She is so kind.  So sweet.
I hope to go again............if I am blessed!

Chateux neuf du Pape

Monday, April 25, 2011


Trust is defined by Websters as a confidence in honesty, integrity, reliability of another person or thing.  Sometimes things are entrusted to our care for a period of time for safe keeping.  To be trusted is a valuable quality.  A healthy marriage is based upon mutual trust between two people. I understand that kind of trust because I have been blessed to be in a marriage that is in it's 37th year.  My husband is my best friend and he trusts me each morning as he leaves for work that I will manage my day in a way that will benefit us both in the evening when he returns home.  He knows that I live by my words and that I have his best interests at heart, always.

Are you a person who can be trusted?  I hope so.  God's words to us can be trusted and when we meet the living Lord we are given the opportunity to live in a relationship with HIM that can be a life changing encounter daily.  The "good news" of the Bible can be trusted time and time again as we draw upon His words throughout our daily lives.  Thankfully God speaks to us in a calm quiet voice that speaks of love and kindness.  He can be stern and demanding  when he desires that we follow His ways......... but these words can be fully trusted,  for He is wise and  He sees the whole picture of our lives.

Who trusts you?  In my life, because I have been blessed to be a full time mother, homemaker, and wife, I have depended upon God for many, many situations in our family life.  Our children trust me also.  Our grandchildren trust me.  I am glad.  I want to be trusted and in return, I trust them.  Trust is built one day at a time, doing the things that are as the definition above said.....being honest, being full of integrity, and being kind.  The picture below is a living example of trust.  Isabel trust me.......I want to live a life where she knows that her Nina can be trusted.  "Dear God, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me."

Enjoy the blessed day that God has given you dear one!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


"Lord, You alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.  You guard all that is mine.  The land You have given me is a pleasant land.  What a wonderful inheritance."  Psalm 16:5-6

That verse speaks to my heart of the time that I was blessed to spend in England with our precious daughter, Kara and her sweet husband Phil. Later we were joined by my sister, Pam.  Together we spent sixteen days in England and in France.  This was my first time to travel to Europe and indeed it was a blessing.  For four months, I read and planned this trip, I guess overly.....but I wanted so much for everyday to be special.

My heart is full to say the least and so for now I will just share a few photos of the 700 that I took!!!  I wouldn't dare bore you with all of them.  They are treasures of treasured times forever imprinted now on my heart.  These photos were taken at Stourhead Gardens and Home in the Dorset region of England.  The film of Pride and Prejudice was filmed in part on the grounds.  The bridge was in the film and the scene where Mr. Darcy declared his feelings of love for Lizzie.  Love is a beautiful and glorious gift!